Embark On Your Journey To Health & Wellness With
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is an external treatment of internal diseases, bringing about harmonious balance of the “Yin” and “Yang”, to restore functions of internal organs and achieve disease prevention or treatment. It involves inserting fine, sterile needles into acupuncture points to induce a healing response.
TCM Tuina involves applying pressure on acupoints, meridians and various muscle groups to regulate the body’s physiological and pathological condition, thus achieving positive treatment results.
Herbal medication are customised prescriptions by Physicians based on the dosage and herbs required for the individual.
Unlike in the past, herbal medication now comes in convenient sachets of herbal powder for easy consumption.
Gua Sha eliminates the stagnation and blood clots on the walls of the blood vessels by bringing it to the skin surface, thus relieving blockage in meridians to promote blood circulation and detoxification.
Cupping breaks up stagnation and promotes better Qi flow to achieve pain relief and reduce swelling, disperse cold, clear dampness, reduce heatiness and so on. It is achieved by placing glass cups over small flame to create a vacuum, thus resulting in suction.
Kin Teck Tong complements traditional TCM therapies with modern technological devices to yield better treatment results for our patients. These MINATO devices originating from Japan passes different frequencies through the body to enhance drainage of metabolic waste and reduce recovery time.
Office Syndrome / Sports Injuries
Menstrual Issues / Pre & Post Pregnancy / Infertility / Menopause
Respiratory Medicine / Neurology / Gastroenterology / Endocrinology / Dermatology
Asthma / Eczema / Growth Delay / ADHD
Body constitution / Flu & Cough
Aesthetics / Slimming
Office Syndrome, Sports Injuries
Menstrual Issues, Pre & Post Pregnancy, Infertility, Menopause
Respiratory Medicine, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Dermatology
Asthma / Eczema / Growth Delay / ADHD
Body constitution, Flu & Cough
Aesthetic, Slimming
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