Rooted in the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), chinese bone setting treatment (正骨 / 'zheng gu') has been used for centuries to address joint and muscle conditions. This natural and non-invasive therapy utilises specialised techniques to correct misalignments, remove any blockages or obstructions in the joints, and further enhance the body's mobility.

Benefits of Bone Setting

Pain Relief:

Due to its ability to manipulate bones and joints, promoting the body’s natural healing process; traditional bone setting treatment  can provide significant relief for those suffering from joint and muscle injuries, as well as chronic conditions such as arthritis and back pain.


This manual therapy aims to restore the alignment and movement of the bone or joint that has been traumatised, resulting in pain to the individual. Through the treatment, it will help to reduce inflammation, swelling, and stiffness which aids in the body’s healing process further.

Improvement in Mobility and Flexibility:

As bone setting treatment often involves the use of various manual techniques to stretch and strengthen body muscles and soft tissues, it helps to realign the musculoskeletal system and improve flexibility by increasing the elasticity and length of muscles, tendons, ligaments, allowing for greater freedom of movement.

Non-invasive and Drug-free Approach: bility:

Bone setting treatment primarily involves hands-on manipulation techniques to realign bones and joints. The therapist will apply gentle pressure, or mobilisation techniques to correct misalignments and restore proper function.

Bone setting treatment can be used to

treat a range of conditions:

●     Dislocations

●     Sprains

●     Chronic pain

●     Back pain

●     Arthritis

●     Leg length discrepancy arising from hip misalignment

Bone setting therapists may use a variety of techniques to manipulate the affected areas which include:


Massage techniques


Manipulation techniques


Herbal wrap

(helps to reduce inflammation)

Safety and Considerations

However, it is important to note that bone setting therapy should always be performed by a trained practitioner to avoid any potential complications that may arise from improper manipulation of bones and joints.


It is also important to note that bone setting treatment is not a substitute for medical care or surgical intervention in cases where there are severe fractures, dislocations, or other serious skeletal injuries. In such cases, prompt medical attention should be sought.


If you are interested in bone setting treatment for pain relief and improved mobility, seek our TCM Physicians and qualified therapists who can help you determine whether this natural and holistic method of care is right for you.

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