Acupuncture is one of the most common TCM treatments. It is a drug-free treatment whereby fine, sterile needles are inserted into the specified points, commonly known as the acupuncture points.
Acupuncture therapy can release blocked meridian channels in the body and stimulate its function, evoking the body’s natural healing response through various physiological systems.
Respiratory Medicine / Neurology / Gastroenterology / Endocrinology / Dermatology
Slimming / Aesthetics
Menstrual Issues / Pre & Post Pregnancy / Infertility / Menopause
Body constitution / Flu & Cough
Asthma / Eczema / Growth Delay / ADHD
Respiratory Medicine / Neurology / Gastroenterology / Endocrinology / Dermatology
Slimming / Aesthetics
Menstrual Issues / Pre & Post Pregnancy / Infertility / Menopause
Body constitution / Flu & Cough
Asthma / Eczema / Growth Delay / ADHD
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